"Marie Laveau" was a renowned Voodoo Priestess from New Orleans in the 1800's. Her name is so associated with legend and lore, that AHS couldn't have had their Coven Season without her. But in history she was known as a spiritualist, healer, and community leader.
The Dip she inspired, is a special one. It features a Holographic Midnight Blue Shimmer Base, and features Color-shifting Circles that go from Blue>Violet>Pink, and give the sense of bubbles from a potion or elixir that Marie herself may have once made.
Part of the May 2023 "Serendipity Coven" Collection
Available in 0.25oz, 0.50oz, and 1.0oz jars. 1TSP Baggies have also been made available by popular request.
** Swatches are shown with only 2-dip coverage. The heavily pigmented nature of this dip means you can achieve the perfect coverage and look with fewer dips.
** 0.25 oz Jars contain ~2-2.5Tsp; 0.5oz Jars contain ~ 3-4Tsp, 1oz Jars contain 6-7Tsp